Village Notices


Please find the most up to date notices from the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson.

Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson
Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson's Article

Season’s Greetings!

Great news, Winter is here and the days are getting longer! Its time to purchase your 2024 Donahue Park Vehicle and boat-trailer parking stickers. You can purchase during Village office hours at 325 Hudson Street, C-O-H 8:30-4 :30 Mon- Fri. Payments can be made with cash, check or credit/debit. After hours, please use drop box and include application, copy of valid vehicle registration and cash or check payment.

Applications are available at Village Hall or can be printed from our website: We will also accept mailed applications with copies of your
registration and cash or check payment. Further questions can be answered at :845-534-4200 x 315.

Happy New Year and Enjoy the Park!
Village Clerk’s Office

December 4, 2023

Dear Town/Village Water Clients of the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson’s Water System,

A blurb in last week’s Cornwall Local in its “Around the Village” feature has led to some fears and concerns expressed on social media and related to the Village’s “Water Meter Replacement Project.” These fears are unfounded and related to some speculative, inaccurate, and erroneous information being circulated in posted comments section. Here are the FACTS:

The Cornwall water system includes 2,671 meters. ONLY 360 of these meters required updating. Letters were mailed ONLY to the customers requiring upgraded replacements; with initial notice sent via USPS in June of 2023, followed by a second notice in August of 2023, with a final notice mailed out in November of 2023. New fee rate for those who ignored these mailings goes into effect in January of 2024. THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THE UPGRADED METERS. 

To date, our Water Department has replaced 265 out of the 360 outdated models (73.6%). Our team is scheduled to replace another 26 meters by end of this calendar year. This translates to 291 of the original 360 (79.7%) – which leaves 69 outstanding meter replacements (39 in Town and 30 in Village) for total project completion. 

The remaining 69 meters represent just 2.58% of our customer base. Over 97% of our water customers already possess a meter on their property which can be read remotely. The $75.00 manual read fee – which helps pay for having to pull our small team of employees off of other projects related to maintaining some 52 miles of water pipes, five reservoirs, a well field, and multiple treatment facilities in order to deliver safe, drinkable water to your tap, so that they can make a house call to read a meter -- will pertain to less than 3% of our end state consumers.

Important Note: This fee will only be assessed if the property owner has NOT made ANY attempt to schedule an appointment.

If residents are unsure of what type of meter that they have, they can call our Administrative Assistant Stephanie Xagoraris at (845) 534-4200 Ext. 250. She can advise whether meter requires replacement. I have posted photographs of what is considered “old” and “upgraded.”

BENEFITS: The new meters will read water consumption to the tenth of a gallon allowing for FAR more accurate billing. The old meters read consumption in 1,000-gallon increments.

New meters will allow residents to also remotely monitor their own water consumption system and set usage alerts from any internet capable device.

The new meters also allow our staff to more accurately monitor water consumption on a daily basis, while comparing it to our daily water production to monitor for water system leaks.

I hope this explainer helps to clear up any confusion. Water Superintendent Trainor and his team do an outstanding job delivering this precious resource to our homes, schools, and businesses. Both he and I (and our water staff) are available to any resident with questions or concerns.

On behalf of the Village Board,

James A. “Jimmy” Gagliano






Dear Residents of Cornwall and Cornwall on Hudson,
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for your unwavering enthusiasm and active participation in our collective journey towards the NY Forward Grant application and project review process. Your invaluable contributions through public workshops, surveys, and engaging on social media have been instrumental in shaping the future of our community.
We are thrilled to announce that all projects have been submitted and have undergone a rigorous review process, involving the Local Planning Committee (LPC), Municipalities, Consultant Team, State Team, Core Team, and most importantly, you-the vibrant and engaged community we are proud to serve.
The LPC has just concluded its final meeting, marking an important milestone. The next phase entails the creation of a Strategic Investment Plan (SIP) by our dedicated Consultant Team, which will be submitted to the state. As we eagerly await the results, we anticipate that the projects selected for funding will be announced by Spring 2024.
Your involvement has been, and will continue to be, the backbone of this endeavor. When the selected projects are unveiled, we will once again turn to you, our community, for your valuable input. Your opinions and insights will help shape the final outcome of these projects before the first shovels enter the ground.
Thank you for your commitment, your passion, and your dedication to our shared vision. Together, we are making our community stronger and more vibrant than ever.
With sincere gratitude,
Joshua T. Wojehowski, Town Supervisor, Town of Cornwall
James A. Gagliano, Mayor, Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson



WHEREAS, there exists the possibility mischief to property predicted; and

NOW, pursuant to the authority invested in the office of the Mayor of the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson, as Chief Executive pursuant to Executive Law §24, be it

ORDERED, that a state of local emergency is proclaimed within the corporate limits of the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson. The state of emergency shall be effective Tuesday, October 31, 2023 10:00 PM through Wednesday, November 1, 2023 4:00 AM, unless rescinded or modified; and

ORDERED, that no persons shall be on any paved street, avenue or roadway in the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson;

ORDERED, that all municipal resources may be utilized to protect life and property in response to this event;

ORDERED, any person knowingly violating this order be subject to arrest pursuant to Executive Law §24(5); and

ORDERED, that this order be executed in triplicate and be published, transmitted and filed pursuant to Executive Law §24(3).




PDF of Order

Cornwall New York Forward
Local Planning Committee (LPC) Meeting #5
October 24, 2023, 5:30 – 7:30 PM
Town of Cornwall Town Hall
183 Main Street, Cornwall, New York 12518

This meeting will be livestreamed.
(Visit the Village/Town websites for the link)

Join the fifth, and last, LPC meeting for Cornwall’s New York Forward. LPC members will determine the final slate of projects to be included in the Strategic Investment Plan.
Please note that LPC meetings are public working meetings for committee members, and time will be held at the end of the meetings for public comment.

Scan the QR code to access the survey or go to and share your feedback on the slate of NY Forward projects.
The survey will remain open until Thursday, October 19.

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Thursday, October 12, 5:30 pm–7:30 pm
Munger Cottage
40 Munger Drive, Cornwall, NY
This event will be livestreamed. Scan the QR code to access links to the livestream and the proposed project survey. The survey will remain open until October 19.
Direct link to the livestream

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Dear Residents and Friends of the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson,

It deeply saddens me to reflect on the horrific terror attacks on the State of Israel as Israelis were completing their seven-day-long Jewish festival of Sukkot on Saturday. Hamas terrorists based out of Palestine fired thousands of missiles on indiscriminate targets and then breached fences separating Israel from Gaza in order to unleash a bloody terror attack. We are all well aware of the details of civilians being slaughtered, babies beheaded, women raped, and hostages abducted.

Please keep in your thoughts and prayers the innocent civilians purposely targeted and slain. Also, appreciate the pain and fear of the families whose loved ones were taken hostage. New York State has a large Jewish population – our friends, neighbors, and fellow community members. We shall stand with them during this darkest of hours for the State of Israel. Eleven American citizens have been confirmed dead during the attack and an unknown number of American citizens may be held hostage. We pray for their well-being and safe release.

I have ordered all Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson, NY flags on four municipal properties flown in the half-mast position until Friday COB. Regarding queries about official proclamations of support, I have never felt appropriate for the Village Board to engage in geopolitical or even national matters via empty resolution gestures that won’t lead to any concrete solutions (same position we held in regard to Ukraine’s fight against Russia). Our flag lowerings are our one-time symbolic gesture of support. We acknowledge fact that we stand with Israel -- our longtime ally in the Middle East. Terrorism is a global scourge that the world community must eradicate.   

With heavy heart and on behalf of your Village Board,

James A. “Jimmy” Gagliano


Cornwall NYF PW with QR.jpg

After several months of community outreach and solicitation, the Local Planning Committee has arrived at a dynamic slate of proposed projects that stand to make the largest impact for Cornwall residents and business owners, and champion community-driven goals.

We are thrilled to present these projects at the second and final public workshop on Thursday, October 12, at Munger Cottage, located in Riverlight Park.

We hope you’ll join us for Public Workshop #2, in-person or online. Participants will learn more about the ten projects, share feedback, and shape Cornwall’s Strategic Investment Plan to help create a vibrant downtown in Cornwall.

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View Recorded Video of Meeting

Dear Residents and Friends of the greater Cornwall area,

Tonight, Thursday, September 21, 2023, beginning at 7:00 p.m., inside the Edward C. Moulton, Jr. boardroom located at Village Hall, 325 Hudson Street, Cornwall-on-Hudson, New York, the Village Board will be joined by the Town Council for a special meeting related to a preliminary review of a DRAFT water system master plan (prepared by the Village Engineer).

This meeting is the third joint session of recent vintage and will serve as an opportunity for the board and council to have a first look at exactly where Cornwall and Cornwall-on-Hudson stand related to our aging, failing, and crumbling water system infrastructure. Presentations from Village Engineer Jason Pitingaro and Water Superintendent Michael Trainor will kick things off. Afterwards, the two elected bodies will engage in initial talks regarding the current state of our infrastructure and potential paths forward.

The meeting is scheduled for two and one-half hours and is OPEN to the public, space available. It will also be livestreamed and remotely accessible to witness in real time via a link to be provided on the Village website and Facebook page. Those unable to join can also access archived video of the proceedings to be posted later to our YouTube page. There will also be a limited period towards the end of the meeting for public comment for those in attendance.

Please understand – this is the INITIAL unveiling of the draft plan. Every issue will not be resolved tonight. This meeting is designed for the Village – which controls the greater Cornwall area’s water system infrastructure (to include 16,000 customers, 52 miles of subterranean water mains, five reservoirs and attendant dams, a well field, and treatment facilities) – to lay out focused priorities for repairs, remediation, and upgrades to a water system introduced in 1888. 

Full transparency is the goal, followed by prioritized “action items.” Exists no panacea of solutions or bottomless pot of funding to solve every crisis now. But we would be derelict in our duties as custodians of our community’s precious resource not to begin to address them soon – as opposed to continuous kicking of the metaphorical can down the road. Let’s begin the process of proactivity and cease the reactionary posture. There are only so many band-aids we can apply to our system. Join us tonight or tune in later to hear the discussion regarding our future.

On behalf of your Village Board,

James A. “Jimmy” Gagliano


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Cornwall New York Forward
Local Planning Committee (LPC) Meeting #4
September 27, 2023, 5:00 – 8:00 PM
Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson Village Hall
325 Hudson Street, Cornwall-on-Hudson, New York 12520
This meeting will be livestreamed via ZOOM.
(Visit the Village/Town websites for the link)
Join the fourth LPC meeting for Cornwall’s New York Forward. LPC members will learn about the current slate of preliminary projects through project sponsor presentations.
Please note that LPC meetings are public working meetings for committee members. Due to the length of the meeting, time will be held after the project sponsor presentations for public comment.
The public will be able to provide input on the preliminary slate of projects at Public Workshop #2 on October 12, 2023

Recording of the meeting is available on our youtube channel: