Village Notices


Please find the most up to date notices from the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson.



WHEREAS, there exists the possibility mischief to property predicted; and

NOW, pursuant to the authority invested in the office of the Mayor of the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson, as Chief Executive pursuant to Executive Law §24, be it

ORDERED, that a state of local emergency is proclaimed within the corporate limits of the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson. The state of emergency shall be effective Tuesday, October 31, 2023 10:00 PM through Wednesday, November 1, 2023 4:00 AM, unless rescinded or modified; and

ORDERED, that no persons shall be on any paved street, avenue or roadway in the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson;

ORDERED, that all municipal resources may be utilized to protect life and property in response to this event;

ORDERED, any person knowingly violating this order be subject to arrest pursuant to Executive Law §24(5); and

ORDERED, that this order be executed in triplicate and be published, transmitted and filed pursuant to Executive Law §24(3).




PDF of Order


July 19-22, 2023

Home of the Red Shirts

C-O-H School 233 Hudson Street

July 19th & 20th 6pm-10pm

July 21st 6pm-11pm

July 22nd 4pm-11pm


Early Bird Special July 20th (Rain Day 7/21) 9:30-12:30 Three hours of rides, lunch, snack and a show for $26

Call for more info 845-494-5033


Flyer for posting

May 30, 2023

Dear Residents and Friends of the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson,

Please see the attendant photo attachments that highlight our 2023 Bandstand Concert series schedule (that begins tonight at 6:30 p.m.), the upcoming Movies on the Hudson event (Top Gun Maverick) scheduled for this Friday evening at the riverfront, beginning with a musical set from The Gioias at 6:30 p.m., and finally, top off your weekend with culmination of 2023 RiverFest at Donahue Memorial Park on Sunday, June 4th, between 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.

Hope to see you at one, two, or all of three of these quintessentially Cornwall-on-Hudson events.

On behalf of your Village Board,
James A. “Jimmy” Gagliano


On Monday, May 29, 2023, at approximately 10:00am, the Cornwall American Legion will be hosting its' annual, Memorial Day Parade, which "kicks- off" at Payson Road in the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson and proceeds westbound on Hudson Street, then westbound on Main Street, in the Town of Cornwall. There will be a formal Memorial Day Service at the Cornwall Monument located at Veterans Way/ Main Street (opposite Cornwall Town Hall), immediately following the Parade.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to the Memorial Day Parade, there will be NO PARKING from 8:00am till 12:00pm on both sides of Hudson Street from Payson Road west to First Street, in the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson, N.Y.

On behalf of the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson, N.Y., Police Department, have a safe and healthy Memorial Day!!


Best Regards,

Chief Steven E. Dixon

V/ Cornwall-on-Hudson, N.Y., Police Department




WHEREASthere exists the possibility of vandalism and destruction of property beyond the scope of ordinary Halloween merriment and pranksterism as determined by Village officials and police officers; and

WHEREASevidence that such destructive acts have occurred and threaten to continue is apparent at this time and prompt action specifically aimed at the source of such threatened and actual damage is required to minimize damage and protect the public health, safety and welfare.

NOWpursuant to the authority invested in the office of the Mayor of the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson, as Chief Executive pursuant to Executive Law §24, be it

ORDEREDthat a state of local emergency is proclaimed within the corporate limits of the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson. The state of emergency shall be effective Monday, October 312022 at 8:00 PM through Tuesday, November 12022 at 5:30 AMunless rescinded or modifiedand

ORDEREDthat a curfew for all persons under the age of 18 years during such state of local emergency between MondayOctober 31, 2022 at 8:00 PM through TuesdayNovember 12022 at 5:30 AMis hereby declared, except for such persons who are traveling to or from bona fide employment or traveling to or from an authorized   school   activityor on an errand concerning medical or other emergency;

ORDEREDthat all persons during such state of local emergency shall refrain from the following conduct between the hours of Monday, October 312022 at 8:00 PM through Tuesday, November 12022 at 5:30 AM:

  1. Presence in or upon public streets or other public areas in groups larger than five persons. Presence in or upon private property in groups larger than five persons without authorization from property owner.
  2. Presence in or upon public streets or other public areas while in possession of shaving cream, eggs, soap, rockstoothpastespray paint, flammable or combustible liquidsor any other items which may be used for vandalism.
  3. Presence in or upon a public street or other public area with a group of any size, where one member of group is in possession of any items described in number (2) above. Likewisepresence in or upon any private property without authorization from the owner in a group of any sizewhere one member of group is in possession of such items described in (2) above.

ORDEREDany person knowingly violating this order be subject to arrest pursuant to Executive Law §24(5); and

ORDEREDthat this order be executed in triplicate and be publishedtransmitted and filed pursuant to Executive Law §24(3).



PDF of Notice



WHEREASthere exists the possibility of vandalism and destruction of property beyond the scope of ordinary Halloween merriment and pranksterism as determined by Village officials and police officers; and

WHEREASevidence that such destructive acts have occurred and threaten to continue is apparent at this time and prompt action specifically aimed at the source of such threatened and actual damage is required to minimize damage and protect the public health, safety and welfare.

NOWpursuant to the authority invested in the office of the Mayor of the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson, as Chief Executive pursuant to Executive Law §24, be it

ORDEREDthat a state of local emergency is proclaimed within the corporate limits of the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson. The state of emergency shall be effective Sunday, October 312021 at 8:00 PM through Monday, November 12021 at 5:30 AMunless rescinded or modifiedand

ORDEREDthat a curfew for all persons under the age of 18 years during such state of local emergency between SundayOctober 31, 2021 at 8:00 PM through MondayNovember 12021 at 5:30 AMis hereby declared, except for such persons who are traveling to or from bona fide employment or traveling to or from an authorized   school   activityor on an errand concerning medical or other emergency;

ORDEREDthat all persons during such state of local emergency shall refrain from the following conduct between the hours of Sunday, October 312021 at 8:00 PM through Monday, November 12021 at 5:30 AM:

  1. Presence in or upon public streets or other public areas in groups larger than five persons. Presence in or upon private property in groups larger than five persons without authorization from property owner.
  2. Presence in or upon public streets or other public areas while in possession of shaving cream, eggs, soap, rockstoothpastespray paint, flammable or combustible liquidsor any other items which may be used for vandalism.
  3. Presence in or upon a public street or other public area with a group of any size, where one member of group is in possession of any items described in number (2) above. Likewisepresence in or upon any private property without authorization from the owner in a group of any sizewhere one member of group is in possession of such items described in (2) above.

ORDEREDany person knowingly violating this order be subject to arrest pursuant to Executive Law §24(5); and

ORDEREDthat this order be executed in triplicate and be publishedtransmitted and filed pursuant to Executive Law §24(3).






Storm King Fire Engine Company No. 2

P.O. Box 333 233 Hudson Street

Cornwall on Hudson, New York 12520 Telephone: (845) 534-2841 Fax: (845) 534-3428

“100% Volunteer – Serving our Community Since 1868”

Dear Neighbor,

2020 was certainly a year to be forgotten for all of us. The COVID pandemic wreaked havoc on our entire country, state, and community. Through it all our fire company continued to meet the emergency needs of its residents whenever called upon. Alas, there is light at the end of the tunnel. As the COVID vaccine continues to be administered on a daily basis, our community has begun to regain some normalcy as part of our daily lives. With this in mind and as summer approaches we are happy to announce that we will once again host the 70th edition of our Annual Summer Firemen’s Fair July 21st thru July 24th this year on the grounds of the Cornwall-on-Hudson Elementary School. This year’s fair promises to be very special in light of what we have all collectively faced this past year.

You will begin to see our advertising signs in the area beginning on or about July 1st. Set-up will begin Saturday July 17th with opening night of the fair on the 21st. The start time on Wed., Thur., and Fri. will be 6pm and closing time each night is 11pm. The final day of the fair, Saturday, will open at 4pm and close at 11pm following our grand fireworks display. We will host area summer camps on Wed. and Thur. between 9am and 1pm. Each night of the fair will include the typical carnival rides, games of chance, food and live music. Break down and clean- up will take place on Sunday July 25th with carnival ride removal from the grounds continuing for a couple of days thereafter.

While this annual summer event is much anticipated and enjoyed by the vast majority of our community, it can present some minor inconvenience and disturbance to some in our village. Particularly for residents such as you who reside in close proximity to the fair grounds. We do not this lightly and appreciate your understanding and cooperation. With this in mind, we would like to provide you the following contact information should you have any questions or concerns regarding this year’s fair. You may feel free to contact either of us.

Jeff Armitage                                                               Mike Trainor

Event Chairman                                                          Fire Chief

(845) 494-5033                                                             (845) 629-1419

[email protected]                          [email protected]

As Always, we truly appreciate your continued support and understanding during this annual village tradition that has brought many smiles and memories to generations of our residents.


Jeff Armitage

Jeff Armitage

Fair Committee Chairman



Please be aware that there will be a , "Girls on the Run", 5K Road Race Event, taking place this Saturday morning, June 05, 2021, with a start time at 8:45am. The Race will start and end in front of Cornwall-on-Hudson Elementary School, 234 Hudson Street, Cornwall-on­ Hudson, N.Y.

Although there will be a significantly less participants than in past years due to COVID-19, there still will be approximately 100 runners running/ walking mostly on sidewalk areas and in small groupings within the Village.

Please be aware if you're out traveling in the Village as this will cause increased pedestrian traffic on Hudson Street, Homeland Avenue and Cliffside Park areas in the Village.

The Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson PD will have extra police officers assisting with vehicular and pedestrian traffic.

Have a Good Weekend!! Be Safe & Healthy !!

Chief Steven E. Dixon
Cornwall-on-Hudson PD


Harriet Josephine Terry Historical Marker Unveiling Ceremony June 10 at 1:30 pm at 24 Idlewild Avenue.

Please RSVP by June 3. Register to attend at:


The Menorah Lighting will be held at the Village Bandstand this Sunday, December 13th at 5:30 PM rain or shine.  Masks & Social Distancing required.